Organisasi Desa Adat
The organization structure of Padangtegal Village in Ubud, Bali, follows the traditional framework of Balinese village governance known as Desa Adat (Customary Village), which combines both traditional leadership and modern governance. Padangtegal, being home to the Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary, is a prime example of how these structures work to maintain cultural traditions, social cohesion, and community development. The governance of the village is deeply intertwined with Balinese Hindu practices, social responsibility, and sustainable management of the village's natural and cultural resources.
Here’s a breakdown of the organizational structure in Padangtegal Village:
1. Desa Adat Padangtegal (Customary Village Organization)
At the heart of Padangtegal Village's governance is its Desa Adat, which is the traditional customary village structure that upholds the Balinese Hindu cultural heritage. This structure governs the social, cultural, and spiritual life of the village and operates parallel to the official government administration.
Key Roles in Desa Adat Padangtegal:
Prajuru Desa Adat (Village Officials): The Prajuru are the village council members who oversee the administration and cultural responsibilities within the village. They ensure the smooth running of the rituals, ceremonies, and community life. The Prajuru are often appointed based on local customs and can include individuals who are knowledgeable in the Balinese Hindu religious practices and cultural traditions.
Bendesa Adat (Traditional Village Head): The Bendesa Adat is the head of the Desa Adat. This individual is responsible for overseeing all activities related to the customary village and ensuring that Hindu rituals and ceremonies are properly performed. The Bendesa Adat is usually an elder with a deep understanding of local customs and plays a significant role in representing the village in various cultural, social, and spiritual matters.
Prajuru and Council Members: The Prajuru are elected by the community and include sub-heads for specific areas of responsibility, such as finance, ceremonial duties, environmental management, and community welfare. They work alongside the Kelian Adat to ensure that village customs, traditions, and regulations are adhered to.
Banjar: The village is subdivided into Banjar, which are neighborhood units within the Desa Adat. Each Banjar has its own local leadership and is responsible for organizing social events, temples, and cultural activitieswithin their area.
Each Banjar elects a Kelian Banjar (Banjar head), who coordinates with other Banjars and the Desa Adat leadership to ensure that the village's needs are met.
The Kelian Banjar plays an important role in organizing ceremonies, meetings, and welfare activities at the community level. These can include both spiritual and non-spiritual duties such as the coordination of waste management or community gardens.
Sekeha: The Sekeha are groups of individuals within the village who are organized based on their shared interests or skills, such as youth groups (Sekeha Teruna), musicians (Sekeha Gamelan), or artisans. These groups play a significant role in cultural preservation, local celebrations, and community events.
2. Government Structure (Village Administration)
While the Desa Adat governs the cultural and social life of the village, Padangtegal is also part of the administrative governance system of Ubud District, which falls under the jurisdiction of Gianyar Regency. The government administration is tasked with public services, infrastructure, and local policies. This structure complements the traditional village system, ensuring that modern governance does not undermine local customs.
Key Roles in Government Administration:
Lurah Desa (Village Head): The Lurah is the head of the administrative village and is responsible for local government duties such as public services, infrastructure, healthcare, and education. The Lurah is elected by the village and reports to the district government (Kecamatan Ubud) and regency government (Gianyar).
BPD (Badan Permusyawaratan Desa) - Village Consultative Body: This body consists of elected representatives who act as the legislative branch of the village government. They work with the Lurah and Prajuru Desa Adat to create policies and regulations that affect both the administrative and customary aspects of village life.
3. Other Key Village Bodies and Groups
In addition to the formal leadership and traditional structures, several key community bodies and organizations in Padangtegal support specific functions:
LPD (Lembaga Perkreditan Desa - Village Credit Institution)
LPD is a local financial institution that operates within Padangtegal and other Balinese villages. It provides micro-loans, savings services, and financial assistance to local residents and businesses. The LPD is an integral part of the village economy and is managed by a board of trustees, often in collaboration with the Desa Adat.
PKK (Pembinaan Kesejahteraan Keluarga - Family Welfare Movement)
PKK is a community-based organization that focuses on family welfare, education, and social development. It is involved in activities such as health education, women's empowerment, environmental sustainability, and community-based programs to improve the overall quality of life.
Community and Environmental Organizations
There are also various community groups in Padangtegal focused on environmental conservation, such as waste management programs (e.g., Rumah Kompos Padangtegal), clean water initiatives, and sustainable agriculture. These groups often work closely with both the Desa Adat and the government to promote eco-tourism and sustainable development.
Sekeha Teruna (Youth Organization)
The Sekeha Teruna is a group made up of the village's youth, usually men, who play an important role in organizing both cultural and social activities. This group is often at the forefront of events like traditional dance performances, temple festivals, and sporting activities. They also engage in community service projects, environmental activities, and helping to maintain the village's temples and sacred sites.
4. Community Participation and Decision-Making
One of the most important aspects of the Padangtegal Village organization is its emphasis on community participation. Balinese villagers are deeply involved in decision-making processes, whether they are related to cultural traditions, local policies, or economic activities. Regular village meetings (known as musyawarah or pertemuan adat) are held to discuss community matters, and participation in these meetings is seen as both a duty and a privilege.
The Desa Adat plays a key role in making decisions regarding temple management, rituals, and ceremonial events. It is also involved in addressing issues related to village infrastructure, environmental concerns, and local economic activities such as tourism and agriculture.
5. Balancing Tradition and Modernity
The organization structure of Padangtegal successfully blends traditional Balinese governance with modern administrative practices. While the Desa Adat provides spiritual guidance, cultural preservation, and community leadership, the government administration (through the Lurah and BPD) handles modern issues such as public services, infrastructure, and economic development. This dual governance system allows for cohesion between Bali’s ancient customs and its contemporary needs, ensuring a sustainable future for the village while respecting its rich cultural heritage.
The organization structure of Padangtegal Village is a hybrid model that integrates the Desa Adat system with the modern administrative framework. It is a village that is firmly rooted in Balinese Hindu traditions, where the Kelian Adat and the Prajuru oversee religious, cultural, and social responsibilities, while the Lurah and BPD handle more formal governance and community welfare activities. This structure ensures that the village remains cohesive, culturally vibrant, and adaptable to the needs of its residents and the growing demands of eco-tourism and sustainable development.
Struktur Organisasi Desa Adat Padangtegal
Bendesa, Wakil, Dsb